Essie Howard

Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss OC


𝐈. Be patient with me, please. I work full-time and reside in the EST time zone. I have a tendency of disappearing on the weekend to rest and recover.𝐈𝐈. Every ship exists in it's own universe. Essie is monogamous except for very rare circumstances and it must be agreed upon with involved muns & muses.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. I can be selective due to energy reserves and attention span. Just because I don't interact doesn't mean I don't like you! I just need to prioritize my mental health and safety. Trust me, I feel guilty about it.
𝐈𝐕. DO NOT INTERACT: minors & lewd focused accounts. If I suspect you only want to write lewd, oversexualize my muse, or may be a minor, I will softblock.
𝐕. NSFW will be in DMs and are earned. Mun must be comfortable with the other writer before anything can happen. Because of my age (29), I might be a little picky about writing such things with younger (of age) muns. This is for my comfort, I apologize.𝐕𝐈. I am not comfortable with drama or callout posts. This is my reprieve from reality and I don't do well with conflict, so I would like to avoid it. But, if I have done something to upset you, please let me know so we can resolve it! I can be a little oblivious at times.
𝐕𝐈𝐈. Essie is a bit of a self-insert/sona but she IS NOT ME. Mun does not equal muse.

𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. Essie is a bit on the ship heavy side, but that is not the only thing I want to write. I would really love to expand her platonic relationships and dynamics with everyone.

𝐈𝐗. I like to think I'm friendly! If I come off a little intense and make you uncomfortable please let me know! I'm very excitable and tend to type in caps because of it. I can guarantee that I'm afraid of scaring you off and annoying you. Best bets are, if I'm being a gremlin with a lot of caps, I'm likely really comfortable with you! If you notice me starting to hold back, it's because I don't want to be overwhelming.𝐗. Response types and lengths may vary depending on energy. I prefer literate and descriptive but I don't mind other writing styles! I'll typically attempt to mirror responses in both style and length. I go back and forth with being aesthetic...𝐗𝐈. My DMs are open for chatting and plotting with mutuals!𝐗𝐈𝐈. Please be open and transparent with me. I don't always pick up on things (or may assume out of anxiety.) If you want to stop writing or aren't interested, just let me know! I won't be mad in the slightest. Even if we had something plotted out or were in the middle of writing. You are under no obligation to write with me and changing your mind is totally okay. The last thing I want to do is annoy you or make you uncomfortable. I would much rather you communicate with me than leave me hanging if you've decided against writing with me in general, though! If you want to drop a thread, that's okay, too.𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈. If you flip your account to a different verse, please softblock me! Especially if you don't have a writer's tag and we didn't interact much. It confuses me when I'm suddenly following a character from an entirely different verse...

If you made it this far and read everything you're officially one of my favorite people. Let's write and have fun!˚ʚ♡ɞ˚


Information about muse and mun.


Estelle Jane Howard


AGE AT DEATH: 29SINS: Sloth*SEXUALITY: Panicked pansexual (heavy masc lean)PERSONALITY: An absolute disaster, honestlyABOUT: Essie's soul is incomplete—her descent into hell was violent, damage occurring on impact with a piece breaking off, causing memory loss. She's unaware of this but does have a sense of unrest, like something is missing.*Unbeknownst to her, she didn't originally manifest in Hell.LIKES/PREFERENCES:
Sweets, cute things, rabbits especially, sleep, peonies, willow trees, medical knowledge, just genuinely curious (morbidly so) about almost everything so if she's on her hellphone, she's probably looking into something! Anything comforting and low stress. Simple snacks, sweet fruits, her fluffy bed and pillows.
Illness, intense situations, strong tastes and spicy foods, daddy long legs, sloths also creep her out, complete darkness where she can't see anything, walking around hell alone, angry people, loud noises, inebriated people scare her, overly warm weather (she's happiest around like 60 F), inconsiderate people.



Never doing anything terrible or anything great, Essie simply lived her life to the best of her ability. Though, she was always riddled with fear. Fear that froze her into inaction.This is why she assumes she woke up in Hell—being a bystander in a world racing towards its own destruction. The sin of Sloth.That fear only intensifies when she realizes exactly where she is. It doesn’t take long before she catches wind of a spreading rumor. The princess of Hell wants to establish a hotel to rehabilitate sinners, give them another shot at going to heaven and saving their souls from the dreaded extermination.There’s no hesitation—she immediately seeks out the princess in hopes of finding someplace at least a little safer than most of Hell. And if she could possibly be redeemed and ascend to Heaven? Away from the horrors and torture of Hell? It was worth a shot. Even if redemption wasn’t possible, at least it was a place to stay.She hopes.


Heaven was Essie's original destination. Just barely qualifying to walk through the golden gates, but her curiosity soon put her angelic status in jeopardy. Asking too many questions is an easy way to offend the hierarchy regardless of if it was well intentioned or not. And one too many will have you cast out into the pits of hell.Her fall was violent—tumultuous. Upon impact, her soul is fractured with a piece breaking off and memories of Heaven vanishing with it. All that lingers is a sense of unease, a sense of something missing.While she maintains the majority of her soul, the broken piece is out there, being corrupted by Hell’s influence unbeknownst to her. The defiled shard primally seeks out the other piece of the soul—Essie herself.Though, it’s corruption has warped it, the need for rejoining twisted into c̷̶҉̵̢͚̣̻̲̬͑̑͛͐̀͜͜͜͝͡͝͠o҉̢̡̲͇̌͗͢͝n̸͐̈́͟͟͝s҉̝̭̦͚̑ͯ̌͡u̶͖͆̊̈́͡͡m̴̵҉̸̲̰̼͗͌̃̇͟͟͟͠͞͠e̵̡̫̫͍͕̎ͭ̐͟͟͝͞.


    - Shapeshifting (axolotl, owl)
    - Hibernation that can last up to a year

    - Feather tuft on each side of head and end of tail, reactive to emotions
    - Feather spots on cheeks and hips
    - Skin fades to dark on hands, legs, and neck
    - Heart shaped mole on left shoulder
    - Red ring around irises grow to cover sclera when in distress

    -Head feathers morph into a set of horns
    -Tail grows messy feathers near the base, feathers at the end of the tail elongate and look flowy
    -Sclera turn red
    -Any special abilities are currently unknown

    -Gains a warped/corrupted halo
    -Head feathers morph into a set of horns
    -Tail grows messy feathers near the base, feathers at the end of the tail elongate and look flowy
    -Eye faintly glow white
    -Has 6 angelic weapons she can control telepathically



25+ | She/Herawkward human doing her best and failing spectacularlyi'm really shy but i'm friendly and want to make connections! i am an introvert so i might not be around all the time and take a while to respond but i'm trying to be more social.i'm likely more afraid of you than you are of me—




(Non-romantic) Finds him interesting! Fascinating, really. She’s never met someone who practices Voodoo or, well, is a serial killer. It’s terrifying but curiosity has always been her strong suit and she’s already in Hell, so… She’s also incredibly curious about his motives. Unsure whether to trust him, knowing he could easily be manipulating everyone, he keeps her on edge. Does he mean anything he says? What’s he planning behind the scenes? Why did he suddenly reappear? Also, PLEASE, ALASTOR STOP PISSING OFF THE KING OF HELL.(Romantic) He piques her interest in a way she’s never experienced. Maybe it’s the old-timey manners and way of dressing, maybe his unknown motives and unapologetic exhibition of power, the way he seems to treat women with slight reverence, the way he makes her laugh in any situation… Much to her distress, every day she grows more fond of the Radio Demon.

Angel Dust

She supports Angel, offering a space where he can break down and rest should he want it. He teases her about her lack of experience in the romance department and is all too happy to offer tips and tease the hell out of her. If she’s a blushing mess, you can bet Angel is nearby and said something foul, cackling maniacally. Though, after a while, she gets good at giving it right back to him and they’re just little perverted gremlins at times. But beyond that, they’re close. She’s protective of him and his progress, She also tries to be a little wingwoman for him and Husk. What? They’re so cute together and good for each other! Angel deserves something good more than anyone.

Charlie Morningstar

Absolutely ADORES the princess! She gets along really well with her as they’re fairly similar (when Essie isn’t a terrified mess.) Happily helps out at the hotel for her and runs errands. She doesn’t necessarily work for the hotel, but she helps out enough that Charlie pays her a little since she’s a full-time resident. Would fight for Charlie and her dream. Seeing her rekindle her relationship with Lucifer makes her soft, she definitely cried at the reunion and loves seeing their loving dynamic. Charlie is a bright, shining light that she’ll always happily support.

Cherri Bomb

Essie is INTIMIDATED by her. She’s not entirely sure how much she likes her when she offers Angel drugs but she’s happy to see their friendship. It’s good knowing Angel has someone to confide in and take care of him in her own way, and Cherri really does seem to care. And it’s not like she doesn’t like Cherri, she just doesn’t know how to interact with her, but it gets easier when she joins in for the big battle. Cherri (and Angel) really help her come out of her shell. She’s happy to get to know her and maybe see if she can be redeemed with Angel. If she wants, that is.


Had to learn a lot of virgin cocktail recipes for Essie and she’s incredibly grateful for it. They have a quiet understanding that she doesn’t drink and will motion for her to head out if someone’s getting a bit too wasted, knowing it sets off her anxiety. She wonders how long he’ll be on Alastor’s leash and hopes for the best for him and Angel. They tend to share knowing glances and have a chuckle. Good friends who can confide in each other.

Lucifer Morningstar

(Non-romantic) Before meeting him, she was terrified of him. Assumed he was this uncaring monster who didn’t mind the torment that occurs in Hell. Once she meets him and he reunites with Charlie, she finds herself incredibly fond of him. He seems like a genuinely good person–angel?–and honestly, she pities him. Not in a condescending manner, but after hearing his story from Charlie, her heart hurts for him. He thought he was doing good but it went wrong and he was punished and now Lilith has been gone and he’s locked himself away. She loves seeing him and Charlie interact. His strange dad rivalry with Alastor is both hilarious and mildly concerning.(Romantic) There’s something genuinely irresistible about him. He’s goofy and loving, and seems to be a good person who cares deeply. The more she gets to know him, the more the ring on his finger makes her heart ache, but she shoves it down as much as possible. Not only does he already have a family, he still loves Lilith and there’s no way she could ever even hope to compare to the Queen. Every time she sees him, she wants to dote on him and spoil him with affection. Instead, she keeps her distance, doing her best to support him (not that he needs it) from afar.


That thing. It scares her. But she’s also adorable. Without her, Essie’s room would be an absolute disaster so she’s incredibly grateful for her help. And she learns a few good (?) habits from her to help keep up with cleaning. She’s incredibly curious about her link with Alastor and finds their interactions to be absolutely adorable. Thanks to Niffty, Essie is learning how to sew! And finally, unknown to Essie, when she goes into hibernation mode, Nifty pops in and checks on her from time to time. Also to dust.

Sir Pentious & Egg Bois

PROTECT THE EGG BOIS. She’s named them all, whether it’s their actual names or not. Well, she knows Frank. She calls them her good little goobers. Pentious, though, he makes her cringe a lot but that doesn’t stop her from enjoying his–at times absurd–presence. The guy is a dork and he means well, it’s impossible not to like him. His creativity has always been a point of interest for her and she loves seeing his current inventions, though she does have to give him a look when he tries building a new weapon. Don’t make her get Vaggie, she won’t hesitate. She finds empathy is sweet and he’s a genuine sweetheart who is trying his best. She wonders why he’s really down here a lot.Keeps a journal of the insane shit the Egg Bois say.


She admires Vaggie’s strength and devotion, her love of Charlie and Charlie’s dreams. Vaggie is a major supporting figure, helping her develop confidence in herself as well as training sessions to help her be prepared should Heaven retaliate, which is only a matter of time by now. She also finds solace in sharing the status of fallen angel, finding herself to be less lonely. When Essie is comfortable, her temper can be similar to Vaggie’s, but just like Vaggie, there’s no real vitriol behind it.


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Carmilla Carmine

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General shipping info, ships I'd be interested in exploring, and current ships.

I write and ship with multiples depending on chemistry, but I would like to have a single "main" of a character. I'm not sure how to go about it but I imagine it would be someone I get along with well and will be friends with over a period of time.
( Is that weird??? dfhahjfa help i don't know how to go about any of this )

Interesting in shipping with:

OCs, Alastor, Lucifer
Fem ships are possible but very slowburn due to her past.
( These can easily change depending on chemistry! )

Main Ships:

Oliver ( @BlindsidedMusic )


⋅⊰ 〖 Dead On Arrival 〗 ⊱⋅

The Fall

Sulfur and rot.That’s what greets her first as she comes to, curled up on the floor of an unfamiliar place. It’s hot, uncomfortably so. And the scent…It’s rancid. Putrid. Repulsive. Even covering her nose and mouth doesn’t stifle the stench.And God, everything hurts.
She lifts her head as her eyes crack open to try and take in her surroundings, but she’s so disoriented it’s hard to decipher anything. Everything is… blurry and a violent shade of crimson.
“Fffuck—”She can’t even interpret any sounds from the muffled ringing in her ears.Her head throbs as she sits herself up, bracing with one hand to support her weight. She tucks her legs under body while watching the horizon grow sharper, the sounds clearer. Though, the weight of her head is almost enough to take her back down to the floor.Maybe she had been out to meet some friends and fell, busting her head against concrete. She can’t put it past herself. Maybe she was hit by a sewage truck or something? It would explain the smell. But, as her senses came into focus, it was obvious she wasn’t anywhere even remotely earthly. The sky itself is scarlet with a sigil—a pentagram?—and there’s some kind of red moon next to an intricate assembly of rings and wings burning white in stark contrast to the sky.She takes a few slow, deep breaths, holding back the urge to retch, before pulling her hand from her face. The sooner she takes it in, the sooner she’ll adapt to the smell and hopefully not notice it as much. Though, once her hand is in view, she can finally see the blood drying on dark fingers, sending a cold panic down her spine. She definitely hit her head. And hard. It makes sense now, why she can’t remember anything. Had she bled so much that it stained her hands a dark brown?The stillness doesn’t last long. Not when she’s suddenly thrown into reality by a crushing pain from behind her, a crunch that sends a jolt up her spine and a yelp of hurt from her throat.“OW! Shit!”She hisses and turns to look at the source of the pain, a moment of confusion freezing her when she sees a foot lifting off of a…tail? An inquisitive flick reveals it is, in fact, attached to her. It’s long and narrow, a dark brown rope of sorts, that ends with three brown feathers adorning the end. What she can’t see at the moment are the matching feathers on each side of her head, perched atop white locks of hair.The last thing she needs is more pain. She decides to push through her throbbing headache to stand and keep her tail close, though dizziness floods her head as she does, wobbling for a moment before finding a wall to support her.And that’s when she sees it.Neon signs welcoming her to Hell.Fuck.



The sinner stands before the full body mirror in her hotel room, eyes boring into every feature of her face and body.Disgusting. Vile. Hideous.Dark fingers raise to press against her cheek, pulling upward to see how she would look if she were to have a facelift—aged 30. Even when Essie was alive, she was critical of her appearance, standing in front of a mirror and obsessively picking out each and every perceived flaw. She could even list off every procedure she needs to be considered conventionally attractive.As a child, she didn't dare believe in anyone's compliments. Especially not those from friends and family."You have to say that, you're my mom. You can't be honest.""You're just saying that because we're friends. You're biased.""You're my teacher, you're just saying that to encourage me because you're supposed to."Family had drilled into her the importance of outward attraction—whether they intended to or not. Their own snide remarks on others' appearances always made her turn around and think, "But what if that's what I look like?"So, just like when she was alive, she tallies everything on her that she despises: loosening skin around her neck, gravity affecting her cheeks, lips too small, thin and uneven, excess skin causing multiple folds above her eyes, the tear troughs that show no matter what she does to try and hide them, the fine wrinkles beginning to etch across her forehead and side of her mouth. Cheekbones too low. Cheeks too flat. Chin too small and receded. Forehead too large and lumpy. Nose too big. Eyes sunken in too deep. Knobby knuckles on her fingers. Chest too small, not shaped how she wishes. Drastic hip shelf that sits strangely under her waist. Oddly shaped thighs. Cellulite. Undefined legs. Awkward knees. Rough elbows. Soft belly yet the bottom of her rib cage pokes out. Flat ass. Hips dips that give her an undesirable shape. Neck too thick. Jaw too undefined. Shoulders too broad. Jowls. Sagging skin.It's funny, how if she saw these traits on another, she wouldn't think twice about it. It's just a body, what matters is what's inside, who you are. Everyone is beautiful. Everyone should be comfortable and happy in her body. All bodies are beautiful.But not her.It's penance—punishment for her vanity—that allows her to age even in Hell.Blepharoplasty, chin liposuction and tuck, face lift, neck lift, lip injections or a lip lift, rhinoplasty, filler here and there, eyebrow lift, hair transplant to bring down her hair line, chin implant, jaw implant, cheek implants, veneers, a body sculpting procedure. Just a few of the modifications she can think of off the top of her head. Not including the myriad of skin treatments to fix any loose skin.She'll continue to age as those around her are untouched by the passage of time.Grow old. Grow frail. Become irrelevant and fade into the background of eternity as her body rots.The anxieties that plague her only speed up the process.She finally dares to look herself in the eye—a horrific, distorted creature stares back before vision goes blurry. Tears overwhelm her as she crumples to the floor, sobs shaking her body as nails dig into the skin of her cheek.The darkness and hatred wins today.




Storylines To Explore

- Life at the hotel
- Learning her origins
- Soul reunion



Until We Bleed (ft. Lykke Li) Kleerup
Je suis un homme Zazie
City of the DeadEurielle
Lovechild Rebecca Clements
The Grey Icon for Hire
Hope of Morning Icon for Hire
Echo (ft. Gumi) CIRCRUSH
Clowns (Can You See Me Now?) t.A.T.u.
Shatter Me (ft. Lzzy Hale) Lindsey Stirling
Savages MARINA
Blinding Florence + the Machine
Anti-Hero Taylor Swift
Overwhelmed Ryan Mack
Secret Garden Olivia Knox
God Help Me Rebecca St. James
Glittering Clouds (Locusts) Imogen Heap
Help I'm Alive Metric
Brick by Boring Brick Paramore
It's Alright Mother Mother
Missing Evanescence

𝐈. I don't have many rules. Just be kind and courteous.

𝐈𝐈. Mun does NOT equal muse.

𝐈𝐈𝐈. I do not want to engage in any drama or callouts that may be happening.

𝐈𝐕. My inboxes are always open for plotting or chatting!

𝐕. Let's have fun!


I work a full time job from 8am to 5pm EST every weekday. I tend to be most active around those times and disappear during the weekend to recharge. Though I do feel guilty, I am selective for my own safety and sanity. I do not interact with lewd only accounts.